Outstanding Achievements

Heroes and Heroines of Alpha Institute Nyasha Zisengwe our first 20 points students in Pure Sciences who is studying at university of Zimbabwe courtesy of the Joshua Nkomo Econet Scholarship. He has earned several awards of excellence at UZ.

Onai Hara – Former captain. She is a UZ Social science student who initiated a trust to champion the rights of the deaf and dump. She now runs a program on ZTV taking her vision to the national level. Mukanganwa Terrance who was a member of the school debating club which came third in the Province excelled in that field at Tertiary level and went on to contest in the USA in 2013 represnting Zimbabwean Tertiary Institutions.

Mkwata Kudzai had 100% in Accounting (Cambridge International Examinations) A level in November 2012 Examinations. It was the highest mark in Southern Africa for the examinations session. He is currently studying towards a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Articles with Capetown University, a top tier University in Africa. He was ranked in the top 10 of the 3 000 international students in his faculty in 2013.

Former School Captain Trevor James came out world number 3 in the Universities competitions in Kuala Lumpa Malaysia in December 2014. He made History by being the youngest student to be appointed Minister of Student Affairs, after all being in the first year. He is now a renowned motivational speaker in High Schools.

A former prefect Takudzwa Kamangira had phenomenally risen to stardom in the UK, Croydon London where on arrival she formed a trust to unlock the potential of the girl child. She now runs a fully fledged consultancy firm. She is instrumental in twinning our institution with institutions in the UK. Her efforts have been recognised by the Lloyds Banking Group which awarded her top job which is reserved for University graduates.

University links The institute works with Universities in promoting an educated nation. It assists Solusi University programme in Manicaland and the Mutare B.ED block release programme has been so successful through the efforts of Alpha Institute.