14 Years Of
Quality Service
About Us

Message from the Principal


Alpha Institute is an academic institution offering secondary school tuition from Form 1 to Form 6. It is located in the central business district of the city of Mutare, Zimbabwe.

Since its inception in 2007 Alpha Institute has grown in leaps and bounds numerically and qualitatively. Over the years Alpha Institute has produced medical doctors, lawyers, philanthropists, engineers and captains of industry and commerce. Its focus on the three Hs of student grooming that is the Head, the Heart, and the Head, has eradicated truant behaviour during and after graduation for its scholars. The unique programmes run by the school e.g Chaplaincy, life long education, and devotions have left parents wishing to have more children to bring to Alpha Institute.


I am so indebted to our stakeholders who have made it possible. Special thanks go to the parents and guardians for intrusting the career future of their children with Alpha Institute, the Zimbabwean Ministry of primary and Secondary Education for its supervision and oversight role in the implementation of a curriculum, our dedicated dynamic and transformative teaching and non teaching staff who have worked so vigorously to see the reality of the vision of Alpha Institute.

Credit also goes to the students who have passed through the doors of Alpha Institute. Their zeal, focus and excellence have created a lasting legacy which all new comers have endeared taking the institution to unimaginable heights. Alpha graduands have carried the flag of the school and the nation of Zimbabwe high internationally.
Their hearts have been touched and they have touched hearts!!! Thank you.