14 Years Of
Quality Service
About Us

Our History

Alpha Institute was founded in 2007, it started off with a mere 30 students and rose through the years to its current seating of up to 600 students and 27 teachers. We started off enrolling students who wanted a second chance in life after having failed their ‘O’ level. Alpha Institute managed to transform weak introvert performers to excellent extrovert performers. The results were so impressive that these students then proceeded to form 5 and 6.

A level pass rate stands at around 98% each year with best performers scoring 20 points and above each year.

Alpha Institute then transcended in 2012 to introduce form 1, 2 and 3 classes to date. We take pride in our holistic approach to learning where we encourage students to define themselves so that their past failures do not define their future and give them life long education which gives meaning and helps them aspire for greatness beyond Alpha Institute.

To date, Alpha Institute has become an academic power house and has appeared in the provincial and national rankings for O and A level examinations. Moreover we have steadily expanded the curriculum to the current with pure sciences, practical arts and commercials.

Using its life long program, Alpha Institute is impacting the lives of many through its scholarship programme for needy but academically gifted learners, the program has seen many being sponsored up to University.