Donate - Help Alpha Institute to make the dream come true.

Alpha Institute has become a brand well known as an excellent option for students and families across the globe. Classes are full. Our expansion has been slowed only by our ability to find space for more students. The journey to owning our own premises and building is for now and not later. Help us to make this dream come true. Create the strongest possible foundation for our next major steps of capital improvements

Welcome Alumni

Alpha Institute alumni are wide spread across the globe. Through this platform we intend to connect a vibrant network of people to ignite Alpha Institute flame. So go ahead tag your ex classmates, re-live the memories created at Alpha Institute. From there tell your story and inspire those currently walking in your foot steps. Connect with your classmates, find old friends with our new facebook group, Instagram, plan for a reunion or you can plan to attend an event.

Covid 19 Tuition relief fund.

Alpha institute provides a facility where learners who come from families which will be facing financial distress can receive assistance for tuition. Some of the distresses having been caused by the COVID pandemic. You can also participate by lending a hand in this area.

Student bursaries

Maintain a strong financial aid program that makes Christian education possible for many children each year.

New student spaces

Provide innovative learning spaces that allow for students to be innovators, creators, producers and directors. 7. Teacher professional development – equip and support teachers in professional development and innovative student-first learning.

Wold impact.

Provide opportunities for students to become global citizens by impacting the world, locally and abroad through building lasting networks and social capital promoting the exchange of information, knowledge and skills.